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Ceremony (祭典, Saiten) is the seventy-fourth chapter of Haruko Ichikawa's manga Land of the Lustrous.


The focus switches to Aechmea and Cairngorm alone. Cairngorm expresses how they enjoy having independence, without a nagging thought of Ghost controlling them. Aechmea states how surprised he was that Cairngorm chose the style of clothing they did, as he believed that Gems would avoid such sensual things. Cairngorm seems to not hear the comment and goes on to express how for 102 years, they lived in misery and wished to crush themselves between the ice floes. But now they feel different. A message interrupts their moment, Cairngorm playing as Aechmea takes the message that is presumably the plans by Phos. Aechmea says that thanks to "you" (as he looks at Cairngorm), things are going smoothly. Cairngorm states with a smile that Aechmea is not making sense again, before leaping into his arms and saying that despite Aechmea being soft, he can be scary.

The focus again shifts back to Phos speaking with some of the other Moon Gems, who suddenly realize that if the Lunarians disappear, they may be stuck on the Moon. Amethyst 84 expresses the concern that even the ships to transport them back may disappear, but a Lunarian reassures them that the ships are not like Lunarians and are built from the Moon. The Lunarian then states that the plans will all have to wait for after the celebration.

The Lunarian explains that the event is to celebrate the cooperation between Gems and Lunarians, and that the representative for the Gems will be Cairngorm much to Phos's surprise. The Lunarian explains because of the deep affection between Cairngorm and Aechmea, it will also be a unification ceremony. Otherwise known as a "wedding ceremony".

Characters introduced[]


Characters in Chapter[]


  • This chapter confirms that Gems are sexless.